I recently made over 800 $ online from simply listening to music
I recently made over 800 online from simply listening to music
I am going to show you how you can do this even with a brand new account using your laptop or your smartphone the first thing you gonna have to do is to go to this website called nexget.com once again it's mixkit.com as you can see right here mix it. co is a website where you can find awesome free assets that you can use in your projects we are not going to be creating any project however, we are simply going to be using this website to listen to music and then make money from it in just a moment I will show you how you can listen to music tracks just like these ones right here and how you can start making money as you can see here dollars 5.37 fifty cents ten dollars eight dollars and even up to twenty-five us dollars let me just keep scrolling down here and you can see there are literally pages upon pages of people from all over the world that is using this method to make money online simply listening to musiclet us quickly calculate here how much the money you can be made in a day from simply doing this if you listen to just one song you can earn about eight dollars listen to ten songs you will be paid about eighty dollars if it's 20 songs then you get paid 160 dollars if and listening to a 100 songs will earn you up to 800 dollars and even much much more so make sure you have your smartphone ready or your laptop this method is absolutely free which means no investment needed and even if you are a beginner and you have never made any money online you will be able to do this but before we go further into the video welcome to everyday income on this channel I share with you the latest making money online ideas tips and tricks so if you haven't already subscribe to our channel hit the like button and turn on notifications so that you'll be notified whenever I upload a new video now on nick's kit you scroll down here and you can see all these music tracks that we are going to be using to make money on this website all these audio clips are for free and you can use them with no attribution or even signing up on their website there are literally hundreds and thousands of songs on this website and in this video I am going to give you at least three special tips to help you make even more money with this website now I need you to scroll to the top here where it says genre and you only have to hover your mouse over it and it will show you the different music genres that are available on this website we can make money with any of these but since you are subscribed to this channel I want to show you something even more special so go ahead and open either the acoustic genre or the hip hop genre category you are going to find this collection of free acoustic tracks that you can download for absolutely free also on this page you can find hundreds of free downloadable hip hop tracks okay so let we go on to this song right here and
Click the play button here to start listening to it you do not have to listen to the whole song because there are thousands of songs we are going to do this now i need you to find the download button which is just below the play button click on the download button so that you download the song onto your computer after the download is finished do the same with this other track right here and download it also to your computer and in order to make the most money with this method I need you to keep on doing this and download as many music tracks as you can on to your computer in a moment I am going to show you how we are going to be making money with all these downloaded music tracks for the second step now i need you to go
to this website called
updashforever.org up dash forever is a
website that is going to pay you to
upload your files and images on this
website we are going to be uploading all
those music tracks that we just
downloaded from mixkit.com and every
single time someone downloads our music
files from updash forever we are going
to make money like i said before this is
a very simple technique that you can use
to make easy money online all you will
be doing is to simply go back to
nicksgit.co download any track from any
of these categories and upload the track
onto what dash forever on this website
they have a four tier structure of
payments which will categorize the
amounts that you will earn depending on
where you received most of your
downloads from for example downloads
from the united states and canada are in
tier one australia is tier two saudi
arabia and the uae are in tier three and
the rest of the world are in tier four
now what this means is that countries in
tier four will earn you at least three
dollars those in tier three and tier two
will earn you about four dollars and
finally tier one countries will earn you
a good seven dollars there are at least
five profit modes that you can benefit
from on this website and these include
paid per download paid per referral mix
website banners and also they will allow you to sell your files another exciting thing I have to mention here is that they have over 20 different payment options that you can choose from they will provide you with the most electronic banks are widely used even in local and Arab countries in order to facilitate the arrival of payments wherever you are to mention but a few they have a PayPal option payer web money Payoneer bitcoin western unioncash plus and several others also their minimum payout is just as low as one dollar which means you can withdraw your money as soon as you make your first one dollar let me show you a real live example of how you are going to make money on this website right now but before we proceed here remember to smash the like button and to subscribe to our channel in the comments section below i need you to type yes or no if you agree to the following positive statement also, remember to comment on your country name below so that I can keep making no more videos that work in your area now let us get back to making money okay let us go here and click the signup button the signup process is very easy it will take you less than a minute to complete as always type your username and your passwords right here put your email in this box then click this captcha and finally, click the signup button by the way if you prefer there is an option for you to sign in using your facebook account your twitter account or your Google account once your account is ready then go here and click where it says welcome select my account and you will be taken to your dashboard this is a brand new account and I am going to show you step by step how you can set up your own account to make earnings like these easy and effortlessly by the way be sure to click on the payment information button and finish setting up your preferred payment option select your respective category from here and after that click on save now let us go here to the left side here and click on upload files on this page we are going to actually start uploading the music files that we downloaded earlier onto this website but before you start downloading be sure to take note of these warnings here at the top here first, you are not allowed to upload any material that will violate the terms of service or your account will risk being closed secondly you should ensure that you have your ad blocker turned off as this might as well interrupt with the upload process we are going to start uploading the music file now by clicking this button is here and as soon as it is finished you will see it right here here is another bonus tip for you make sure that you select public so that other people can access your music file another bonus tip here also is to make sure that you fill in the name of the music track and the name of the artist also to do that simply go to the mix kit website and find the name of the song and also the name of the artist and then you can insert them inside this box right here in order to optimize your files once you are done with that then click on start upload just wait a few seconds and depending on your internet connection the process will be complete and it's going to save files uploaded the next thing you are going to do is to set a price for your music file so that every time someone downloads your music file you will be paid at least seven dollars repeat the process as many times as you can going back to the mix kit website downloading the music tracks from there and getting paid for those music tracks